Understanding Your Family's Risk Of Developing Certain Diseases

When you have your own family, you may begin thinking about your own health over the long term and the health of your children as they grow. Gathering information about your family's health history that covers at least three generations can help predict what health problems you and your children are at risk of developing. Once you have this information, you can work with your GP to determine what steps you can take to minimise the risk of developing certain conditions that have affected your family. Your GP can also arrange to have you and your children tested for certain hereditary conditions if you are deemed at risk due to your family history.

Common Hereditary Conditions

There are several health conditions that are known to be hereditary and doctors are still establishing genetic links to some common diseases, so the list of hereditary health conditions is still growing. Certain types of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart disease, cystic fibrosis and asthma are considered to be hereditary conditions. Mental health conditions, including depression and schizophrenia, are now thought to be hereditary. Certain autoimmune conditions, such as lupus and Crohn's disease, are also considered to have a genetic component that puts family members at a greater risk of developing these conditions than the general public.

The Impact Of Lifestyle Choices

Having a hereditary health condition running in your family does not guarantee that you or your children will develop this condition. You may be able to significantly decrease your risk of developing certain hereditary conditions by living a healthy lifestyle. Managing stress, getting enough sleep, exercising, eating healthily and stopping smoking can impact on the likelihood of developing some conditions, such as heart disease and cancer. If you need support to make lifestyle changes, speak to your doctor. Your health centre will likely run a number of specialist clinics designed to improve lifestyles, such as a weight loss clinic, smoking cessation service and counselling support for stress management.

The Benefit Of Knowing Your Family History

When you are fully informed about your family's health history, you can begin to look at what options you have. Some hereditary conditions are linked to specific gene mutations, so you can ask your doctor to screen you for these mutations to determine the likelihood of you developing these conditions. This can prevent you from worrying about developing a condition that you don't actually have a real risk of developing. Some conditions can be prevented or delayed with early treatment designed to control risk factors, and your doctor may recommend starting medication before you are showing signs of certain conditions. For example, if you are at high risk of developing heart disease, your doctor may recommend medication to prevent high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

If you're concerned about your family's health history and how this may impact you and your children, discuss your options with a family health centre.

About Me

Recovering From a Illness

Welcome to my blog! My name is Toby and, having just been discharged from the hospital, I have decided to start this blog. I spent almost 6 weeks in the hospital recovering from an illness which almost took my life. I am very grateful to the doctors and nurses who cared for me during my stay. It all started when I felt dizzy and collapsed at work. I went home but I had trouble seeing so I called the doctor. They said I had an infection which needed immediate treatment. Having recovered from my illness, I hope this blog will offer hope to others who are unwell.



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